This Writer's Life

ComingSoonThis Writer’s Life is a collection of thoughts, comments, observations, and whatever else crosses the sometimes, twisted, mind of Jim Stevens, including his likes, dislikes, traits, misunderstanding, how he lives and how he works.

The blog’s purpose is to give readers an inside look at what makes Jim, Jim.

The blog’s goal is to be entertaining, funny, thought-provoking, as well as encourage readers to respond with thoughts of their own by commenting on the Blog posts, or using the Contact Form.

A video blog of Jim Stevens’ thoughts and musings on life is now available on YouTube and Amazon Direct Video. Check them out and Subscribe, so you don’t miss a thing!



Whupped Too has arrived.

Whupped Too has arrived.

Join the characters from Whupped in its sequel Whupped Too,
Jake, Gideon, Alyssa, Conrad, and even Buck are back and joined by a few other screwballs that make Whupped Too another romping romance with more twists than a deformed pretzel.

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No animals were injured in the making of this video. I can’t say the same about the people.

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Recent Release

The Case of the Missing Milk Money